
Don’t Expect Montana to Join Lawsuit Challenging Health Care Reform

By Beacon Staff

The state GOP is accusing Montana Attorney General Steve Bullock of displaying “unacceptable arrogance” for not joining other states in suing the federal government to stop the “federal healthcare takeover.” From Republican Party Chairman Will Deschamps:

When I received no answer to my letter on the subject, I called. I was told that not only has the attorney general already made up his mind, but that he was unwilling to talk to anyone about it.

I was shocked. I did not want to believe that one of our elected officials was unwilling to listen to the public. But I quickly found that I was not alone.

First off, I doubt he was that shocked. Bullock is a Democrat. And the 13 attorneys general who have challenged the federal health care legislation are all Republican save for one (Louisiana’s Democratic AG joined the suit after he was “encouraged” by Republican Gov. Bobby Jindal). This is a political issue.

I have heard from Republican state lawmakers that legislation challenging at least some aspects of federal health care reform will be forthcoming when the Legislature convenes in January. But January is long way off and, with the Justice Department already vowing to “vigorously defend” the health care legislation, the issue may be irrelevant by then.

If it isn’t, and the Montana Legislature does pass a resolution opposing federal health care reform, it would still have to get by Democratic Gov. Brian Schweitzer’s desk. And it won’t.

Update: Bullock’s spokesman Kevin O’Brien sent along this statement: “We have looked at the lawsuit and agree with the vast majority of legal scholars – it’s without merit. While people can have legitimate differences about policy, we shouldn’t be spending taxpayer money on court challenges that are more about politics than the law.”