
LETTER: Tom Hanks Needs a History Lesson

By Beacon Staff

The U.S. was attacked on Dec. 7, 1941 and Sept.11, 2001. Tom Hanks is the co-producer of the HBO series, “The Pacific,” about WWII. In recent interviews, he has compared our war against Japan in WWII with our war against radical Islam now, as both racially motivated. I suggest Hanks read “The Rape of Nanking” by Iris Chang and “Bataan Death March” by Lester Tenney in order to gain a small understanding of the brutality of the Japanese military in WWII.

My father was in the Navy stationed at Pearl Harbor when it was attacked. He survived the carnage and then went to sea, as a submarine officer, as part of the U.S. military that ended the Japanese reign of terror across Asia and the Pacific. When he returned to Hawaii four years later he remembers seeing men still in hospitals being treated for burns received during the Dec. 7 attack.

I also encourage Mr. Hanks to go to New York and talk to some people who were there on 9/11 and ask if they believe the U.S. response to the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center was racially motivated.

It would appear that Mr. Hanks has been infected by the pervasive illness of the left that blames the U. S. for all of the world’s ills. In reality, it has been the U.S. military that has defeated tyrants, terrorism, and genocide and provided humanitarian assistance across the globe.

John Vail