
Schweitzer Ribs Palin

By Beacon Staff

ABC News reports that our veritable shrinking violet of a governor, Brian Schweitzer, ribbed former Republican Vice Presidential nominee and Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin when she backed out of an energy conference this weekend that the two were scheduled to lead.

From The Note:

“I don’t know where she’s going to be. You’ll be stuck with me,” Schweitzer told ABC News. “There will be no glamour, certainly no snappy dressing. I brought my best two pairs of jeans. There’s a little bit of a horse s**t stain by the knee. But I’ve been washing that stuff out.”

Schweitzer, a Democrat, also took a slightly more pointed dig at Palin over a scandal during the campaign alleging that thousands of dollars in campaign funds were used to purchase high-end clothing for the VP nominee and her family.

“I don’t have any party buying me clothes,” said Schweitzer, referring to the more than $150,000 that the Republican Party shelled out for the Palin family’s wardrobe last year. “My wife buys my clothes at Costco.”

Those remarks should make for a real easy-going meeting the next time Schweitzer and Palin hold their next hearing together as the heads of the National Governors Association’s Natural Resources Committee.