
Voters Reject Bigfork Bond, Again

By Beacon Staff

Voters in Bigfork said “no” to an expanded high school, for a second time.

The $11.1-million Bigfork High School construction bond was denied with a vote of 1,209 for, and 1,458 against.

This was a renewed effort by the Bigfork School Board to pass the high school bond. The first election was for expanding and adding to both the elementary and high schools. The elementary bond question was put solely before voters in the village and passed. Those October election results came back with the wider community of Bigfork voting against an expanded and updated high school, and the voters within Bigfork proper voting for it.

The expanded high school plans included a joint school-community library, new science classrooms and labs, cafeteria, choir room, office space, new classrooms, a weight room, enlarged locker room, renovated art room, computer room and kitchen area.